Welcome to Notebook.

We’re on a mission to build trust across Web3. Identity and trust are core to our ability to conduct business, develop relationships and participate in a democracy.

Partnering with companies like

A variety of applications

Notebook provides a system to enable anonymous identity authentication and record keeping on the blockchain, allowing for a large increase in decentralized services offered on the blockchain.

Real Time Trading - Dark X Webflow Template

Non-fully collateralized loans

Defi companies can screen their users: allowing for the creation of non-fully collateralized loans for holders of identity NFTs with a good financial record.

Advanced Charts - Dark X Webflow Template

Cross-metaverse compatibility

Assets can be linked to a user’s NFT rather than their metaverse specific credentials, allowing for cross metaverse compatibility.

Security - Dark X Webflow Template

Identity and accountability

Services on the metaverse could protect against bots and users creating multiple accounts.

Stocks - Dark X Webflow Template

Interoperable blockchain games

Blockchains games could become interoperable with in-app purchases being logged to a user's notebook.

Currencies - Dark X Webflow Template

Small business loans

We provide custom NFTs, enabling small
businesses to apply for loans.

Encryption - Dark X Webflow Template

Anonymous login

Rather than giving your private information to online websites, login with Notebook: separating your personal information from your online identity.

Transparency like never before

All data is openly accessible and stored on a decentralized data base.

Desktop And Mobile - Dark X Webflow Template

Decentralized database

Our decentralized database stores logs relating to the NFT itself rather than the private address it is on.

No Commissions - Dark X Webflow Template

Free transferring

Your NFT may be freely transferred between addresses without loss of information.

Security - Dark X Webflow Template

Built-in privacy and security

We use Aztec to anonymise your private address.

Encryption - Dark X Webflow Template

Anonymity via Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Aztec users state of the art PLONK proofs to verify transactions without revealing the address of the sender or receiver.

Security - Dark X Webflow Template

IP Address Security

Our webapp will offer integration with I2P and TOR to prevent an attacker from pairing a user's private address with their real-world IP.

The authentication process

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4.


Identity Documents

The first stage of authentication is the verification of the user’s credentials through trusted identification authorities.

Customize Your Profile - Dark X Webflow Template

Interacting with the Smart Contract

Once a party has processed this information, they call a function on a smart contract to send a fungible authentication token to a user’s ‘temporary address’.



Aztec uses the zero-knowledge proof standard PLONK to secure transactions whilst not revealing the addresses of the sender and receiver



The user is then able to call the function to exchange their Notebook token for a unique NFT to be used as a framework to build their web3 identity.



Aztec uses the zero-knowledge proof standard PLONK to secure transactions whilst not revealing the addresses of the sender and receiver

Start Earning Money - Dark X Webflow Template

Authenticate your account today